
Marianne Mödlinger

PD Mag. Dr. Marianne Mödlinger PhD graduated at the University of Vienna in prehistoric and historic archaeology with a focus on bronze manufacturing, technique, and usage. She received her habilitation in archaeology in Italy in April 2017 and a PhD in Material Science from the University of Genoa in 2023. As the project leader and principal investigator for several international and interdisciplinary projects (Funding by FP7, H2020, FWF, and others), she spent a significant amount of time abroad at different research institutions (universities of Bordeaux and Genoa). M. Mödlinger has an outstanding knowledge of copper alloy metallurgy and manufacturing techniques. She has published three books and over 85 book chapters and articles in mainly peer-reviewed, international journals, given over 35 presentations, and is regularly invited as lecturer.

Heike Schlie (collaboration partner at the IMAREAL)

Dr. Heike Schlie is an art historian who has worked on the iconology of various materials and their techniques in works of art (wood, terracotta and goldsmithery metalwork). Currently she investigates the role of the techniques of the enamel work of Nicolaus of Verdun in the monastery of Klosterneuburg and their semantic connection to the typological pictorial program of the work. She follows a material-iconological and technique-iconological approach, as she already did successfully for instance on goldsmithery metal work and on wood.

Martin Fera

Mag. Martin Fera will be responsible for the photographic documentation of the bronze doors, the creation of 3D-models and orthophotos, and for the preparation of the photos including their meta-data for the online repository. He is experienced in the application of image-based documentation methods in the field of material cultural heritage, medium and near range photogrammetry and image-based modelling. As a lecturer at the University of Vienna he teaches students in the use of historic images and data modelling.

Judith Utz

Dr. Judith Utz graduated 2017 in Art History at Free University of Berlin with a thesis on the iconology and aesthetics of the medieval bronze door of Canosa di Puglia. Recently she defendet her PhD thesis on medieval South Italian parchment scrolls in which she investigated relations of aesthetics of production and perception based on materiality. She has a good knowledge of Southern Italian medieval objects and workshops and a strong interest in art techniques. In Winter 2020/21 she taught at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität of Heidelberg.

Serhii Makhortykh

Dr. (habil.) Serhii Makhortykh graduated at the University of Grozny in history with focus on historical archaeology. He received his habilitation in Ukraine in 2008. He is a leading researcher at the Institute of Archaeology of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (Kyiv) and was the principal investigator in several interdisciplinary projects supported by the National Geographic Society, Swiss Scientific Foundation, and others. His main research interests focus on European and Caucasian Late Bronze and Iron Age, transitional epochs in archaeology, art history, semiotics of material culture, interrelations between environment and economy, cultural contacts and the ways of tracing these interactions based on archaeological evidence. He has published three monographs and edited five books; moreover, he published more than 100 contributions in peer-reviewed journals, conference proceedings, and edited volumes in history and archaeology. In our project, he will be responsible for data collection and evaluation of the bronze doors from Eastern Europe.

Giorgia Ghiara

Dr. Giorgia Ghiara graduated at the University of Genoa in Methodologies for the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage with a dissertation on copper and bronze manufacturing techniques and corrosion mechanisms. She  obtained her PhD in Chemical Sciences and Technologies in 2016 focusing on the metallographic characterizations on archaeological artefacts, identification of anomalous morphologies and corrosion mechanisms linked to the presence of microorganisms, metal-environment interaction studies through long-term diffusion processes. She is experienced in the metallurgy of steels and non-ferrous alloys, the application of electrochemical techniques for the characterization of corrosion processes and has an in-depth knowledge of multivariate analysis and Design of Experiment. She recently worked at the University of Milan where she taught students archaeometallurgy and inorganic chemistry. She is the author of about 40 publications and posters, and participated at more than 30 national and European congresses.




Austrian Science Fund (FWF)


Direzione Regionale Musei Lazio, Abbazia e Museo di Montecassino

Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio per le Province di Barletta-Andria-Trani e Foggia

Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio per le Province di Caserta e Benevento

Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio per le Provincie di Pisa e Livorno

Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio per le Province di Verona, Rovigo e Vicenza

Soprintendenza Archeologia Beel Arti e Paesaggio per le Province di Salerno e Avellino

Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio per il Comune di Venezia e Laguna

Soprintendenza per i Beni Culturali ed Ambientali di Palermo


Arcidiocesi di Amalfi – Cava de’ Tirreni

Arcdiocesi di Monreale

Arcidiocesi di Salerno-Acerno-Campagna

Arcdiocesi Panormitana

Basilica Santuario San Michele Arcangelo

Bistum Augsburg

Bistum Hildesheim

Bistum Mainz

Diocesi di Lucera – Troia

Chiesa di Benevento

Opera della Primaziale Pisana

Parrocchia San Zeno Maggiore

Procuratoria San Marco

Saint Sophia Cathedral, Novgorod

Vatican Museums


CNR-IBE, National Research Council, Institute of BioEconomy, Trentino. Dr. M. Bernabei – portable XRF and dendrochronological analyses (together with J. Bontardi, M. Fellin, M. Negri)

DCCI, University of Genoa; Dr. P. Manfrinetti – metallographic and chemical analyses

Online data storage and access

.complement: C. Hafner – backend interface

LOVE-IT: S. Krausler-Baumann – frontend interface